Sunday, September 20, 2009

Hooray! God!

Hooray! God! My Shepherd! I will have all I need!
He has removed my fear, my tension, my annoyances,
and I'm so satisfied I can rest in the midst of good opportunities.
He takes me past the things I long for,
for he and his plans are enough for me.
He makes me completely whole.
He guides me on trustworthy paths that I would never take on my own,
so he gets the credit.

Even though life can be dark and hard,
I have nothing to fear,
because I know you are always close to me.
Your guidance and correction are welcome.
You bless me so that I can bless those who hurt me.
You immerse me in blessing,
I can't believe all you have given me.

I'm convinced that your goodness and love are always right there when I need it.
I will never leave your presence,
I always want to be with you.

Psalm 23 (paraphrased)

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