Saturday, August 29, 2009

SOAP: valley of death within me

S - ...For what God has said applies to everyone— it will not be changed! Not one person whose life is twisted by sin will ever recover. — Ezekiel 7:13 (NLT)

O - The end of Israel, as they know it, is here. Famine, plague, and war. And the religious and rich will make the most of it thinking they are some how exempt. But God's judgement and discipline will miss no one. No matter how good people make it look, they are a crooked mess. No one can escape the reality of their depravity.

A - I am feeling good about this coming week. Flush with God's provision. I am comfortable. Sure that I am exempt from anything traumatic this week... yet I hear you say:

S2 - I correct and discipline everyone I love. So be diligent and turn from your indifference. — Revelation 3:19 (NLT)

O2 - Laodecia has gotten comfortable. They are no longer useful because they don't see things as they really are. Their material needs are met and they feel on top of the world. It seems they have arrived... But Jesus says he is not done with them. Where it counts, they are lacking and in need. They need to trade what they are trusting in for their security, provision, and identity for more of Jesus and His Kingdom.

A2 - There is a choice before me... slip into the comfort of provision, or continue to diligently seek Jesus and His Kingdom. Money can be a false provision when my greedy heart is the problem. Religion can be a false security when my addiction to control is the problem. Being busy can be a false identity when I am driven by a need for pleasure. On the outside this week could look pretty good... but Jesus is inviting me to listen to him. Open myself to him. Let him be the friend and leader I need him to be.

P - Lord I celebrate your provision! We have another month to pursue you and your Kingdom in a new way! Thank you for being with me in the valley of death on the outside (jobless, infected, in pain, shingles, more pain, 103 degree temperature, etc)... now I invite you to be with me and go through the valley of death within me (greed, lust, covetousness, selfish ambition, vain conceit, etc). Let's not stop now Jesus. I don't want to be comfortable with less than the fullness of you and your Kingdom in my life.

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