Wednesday, November 4, 2009

SOAP: get out!

S - And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by accompanying signs. — Mark 16:20 (ESV)

O - This is the natural response to the gospel: To go out and share. Jesus works with his disciples even after he has gone in confirming the message of the good news of God's goodness.

A - Dang. Jesus is so good. I want people to know. I'm excited about a renewed passion for my neighbors... maybe a first passion. They are cool people. God loves them and wants no one to perish. I am excited about falling more in love with God and seeing the natural response being an increased sharing of his goodness with whoever I come across.

P - Lord, this is what I want and fear. Help me gain a right perspective and not be responding out of a religious or guilty spirit. I want to grow in love, in the Spirit, and in boldness with the Gospel. May those who you have placed in my path not be able to say I shrank back from sharing the love and hope you have freely given me. I can't do this on my own. I'm gonna need you to work alongside me and confirm it. Help me to trust you to be faithful in this just as you have been faithful in so many of your other promises.

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