Monday, March 17, 2008

SOAP: you can count on God too

S - Deuteronomy 33:12
About Benjamin he said: "Let the beloved of the LORD rest secure in him, for he shields him all day long, and the one the LORD loves rests between his shoulders."

O - Those who know God is working things for their good (beloved) are able to live in peace (rest and security). They are able to face the trials of life with confidence in God's presence and work. God stands head and shoulders above the powers of this world. I hear Jesus saying, "Run to my Fatherly embrace!"

A - I want the posture of my heart to be "I am counting on you, God." I know there is risk of disappointment because my flesh (my tendency to live apart from God) messes up my expectations.

P - Help me count on you in disappointment and hurt. I wil be honest with you about my disappointment or hurt.

*I have switched to reading the TNIV from the ESV for those that care about the translation used in my SOAP readings.

**I was greatly encouraged by listening to Chad Miller's talk on "Faith and Tension" after I prayed about the above verse.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Good post... but my comment is based on looking at your Shelfari...Now that you are a two kid parent, be sure to read "I love you the purplest".