Tuesday, March 11, 2008

SOAP: dismissed

S - Galatians 2:6
And from those who seemed to be influential (what they were makes no difference to me; God shows no partiality)—those, I say, who seemed influential added nothing to me.

O - I feel dismissed just by the bluntness of these words. Paul showed respect for, but was not bound by, the church leaders. He sought their input after hearing from God and beginning to put things into practice.

A - As a church leader I want to be "influential." Paul dismisses me so easily as "seeming influential." I am not comfortable with the prospect of "adding nothing" to someone who presents their spiritual growth to me. It's clear to me how needy I am for "feeling" significant. I wonder if this same insecurity is what makes me so easily be swayed by those I perceive to be "influential." Am I too concerned with the opinion of those who "seem influential"? How will I be able to discern and trust God's voice when I am so needy for significance and acceptance?

P - Jesus help me come to you first for acceptance and significance. Thank you that you wanted me in your family so much you died for me. Thank you that you wanted my life to count for your kingdom so you lived a victorious life for me. Help me come to you first for making plans and evaluating what is good. Help me be willing to simply affirm what you have been doing for others and not need to add my opinion or "influence." I want to stand firm on your word and voice, not be tossed about by my insecurities.


Stephanie said...

I'm always "looking for love in all the wrong places"...sorry, that was bad. I'm always looking for approval away from God too. I think it's a pretty universal struggle.

Nate Snow said...

I struggled with this when I read Acts 12:3...what's up with James only getting a one liner? Thanks for the chat at lunch today...Much appreciated.

Ryan said...

Thanks for sharing the journey friends.