Saturday, October 3, 2009

SOAP: kingdom stewardship

S - If then you have not been faithful in the unrighteous wealth, who will entrust to you the true riches? — Luke 16:11 (ESV)

O - Jesus is crazy. He uses crazy extremes such extremes when leading towards what is good. What do you really want to be good with? Money? Kingdom riches? Start small, but never settle for something that isn't actually that good. Our complete frame of reference needs to be different in the Kingdom. Stewardship in the Kingdom is not about temporal things. There are far greater things in the Kingdom.

A - I am starting small. Its good to start. Its good to be faithful. But I need to not lose focus of the Kingdom goods.

P - Help me Lord. Money. Stuff. These comforts are tempting, and it would be easy to feel good if they were "worked" out. I want to be about bigger things. Help me see bigger things. Help me learn to be faithful in these smaller things. Whatever you give me beyond that, its up to you.

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