Friday, February 22, 2008


I have become more accustomed to having one thing on me since Caleb was born, snot. He is a snot factory. And he rubs his nose on your shoulder as if it is a greeting when you pick him up.

There is little that is more satisfying than watching a son grow up. Caleb is reaching the age where I really get attached (9 months+). He has a real personality and is very expressive about how he is feeling. He has already started making sound effects like Ashlyn never did and is a rough and tumble guy. He looks to pull hair, pull off glasses, thrash around on the bed or floor, and grunts about whatever move he is going to make.

Caleb is my son, and with him I am well pleased.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I remember (very clearly) the day I asked my boys to stop using my shirt as kleenex. SNOT!