Sunday, January 27, 2008

life revisited

It was very cool to start off the College group's new series on the Sermon on the Mount from Matthew 5-7 today. We're calling it Life Revisited, a reused title from SHCC days because I think it reflects the theme of what life is like in the Kingdom of God. I was encouraged by how Jesus' proclamation that the Kingdom of God is here really is good news. Here's the intro to the sermon from Matthew 5, followed by my reflections on why this is good news:

Matthew 5:1-12 (ESV)

Seeing the crowds, he went up on the mountain, and when he sat down, his disciples came to him. And he opened his mouth and taught them, saying:

"Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
"Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.
"Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.
"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.
"Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
"Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you."

The Kingdom of God is . . .

Good news for those who are BAD at religion, God WANTS them.
Good news for those in PAIN, God will COMFORT for them.
Good news for those who are IGNORED, God offers PROVISION.
Good news for those wanting the world to be RIGHT, God offers HIMSELF.
Good news for those who SERVE others, God will CARE for them.
Good news for those who are PERFECTIONISTS, God is what they are LOOKING for.
Good news for those in the middle of CONFLICT, they will be in God’s FAMILY.
Good news for those ATTACKED for doing what is good, God will be their SECURITY.
Good news for those following JESUS, God and his family DELIGHT in them.
EXTRA: Good news for those who are HOPELESS, God will BLESS them.

I was also thinking up modern day "beatitudes" for the "hopeless blessables," as Dallas Willard calls them:

Good news for those who are LONELY, God will be WITH them.
Good news for those who SUFFER, God brings PEACE.
Good news for those with BROKEN HOMES, God is the perfect FATHER.

Any thoughts you have about beatitudes for todays hopeless?


Anonymous said...

Interesting-- our sermon at South Hills yesterday was on Matt. 6, focusing on verse 10- "your kingdom come, your will be done". We were challenged to remember that God's Kingdom is here and now, and that as we surrender our lives to Him, we receive the love and blessing that He wants to pour out on us (my interpretation of Rayshelle and Susan's talk).

The beatitudes challenge me to live my life with a Kingdom perspective. In fact, in my Bible, I have circled "blessed" and wrote "the abundant life." I don't remember exactly when and why I wrote that, but it reminds me that if I seek His Kingdom regardless of my circumstances, I will experience the abundant life He has for me. I think I often interpret the beatitudes as a comfort that Heaven is our reward for the life we live here on earth. It's much more than that though-- I don't think I have any idea of the abundance that God has for me here on earth. I'm now challenged to look harder for my spiritual blessings this week!
Thanks for sharing, Ryan.

Ryan said...

Thanks for the SHCC update. It is an encouragement to hear what's going on there! Miss you guys.

I am wrestling with what does it mean to seek first His Kingdom and righteousness, because all the blessings will be added. It seems that I will experience/find the blessings when I am submitted to living in His Kingdom. I am not sure this is right thinking, so I am working it out as I listen to God and live.

Anonymous said...

What are you referring to that you are not sure is right thinking?

Ryan said...

It seems that I will experience/find the blessings when I am submitted to living in His Kingdom.

I am not sure whether or not I can expect to sense or feel the blessings of living in the Kingdom. Sometimes I think they simply are a reality even when I don't feel it. The above seemed to anticipate that if I am blessed I will be able to sense and find it. This might lead me, or others, to think that if I don't feel the above then I must not be blessed.

Anonymous said...

"Sometimes I think they simply are a reality even when I don't feel it."

I agree-- God promises that we will HAVE the blessings, but not necessarily that we will FEEL them. Personally, I think it has alot to do with faith (am I chosing to trust that He is blessing me/has the best for me even if I don't sense it?) I think it also has to do with how we see things in our life. I guess that one falls back to seeking His Kingdom vs. seeking things of this world.
I'm trusting that as I continue to learn to seek His Kingdom, He will open my eyes more and more to the spiritual realm which will result in me seeing just how much He blesses me every day.
I think this is so hard when we are surrounded by such materialism and wealth-- I get tempted to limit blessings to comfort, health and wealth. Wrong thinking!!!!!

It's been fun chatting with you--
I pray that you will be blessed today!