HP PSC 2355: gods grace
I have been taking some time listening to John Piper's sermon series on the content of his book Future Grace. I have been confounded by his assertion about the availability of joy (especially in suffering) in the Christian life. I am looking forward to more on this subject tomorrow . . . but for now . . .
As I pulled in to church this morning I realized I needed a scanner for a flier I wanted to distribute. I walked into the office and asked the receptionist if there was one at the church, she was not sure, and then looked at a printer left on her desk . . . it was a combo printer/scanner/copier (the entitled HP PSC 2355). She offered that I could borrow it (I began to wish in my heart I could keep it), but that it was for another person in the office. Unfortunately I did not have the right cable to attach it. So the printer/scanner/copier was left, and I was without my scanner.
Later in the day I went and asked the new owner of the printer/scanner/copier if it was set up yet. She said no and directed me elsewhere. So I proceeded out of her office to run an errand with friends.
As I returned from the errand, the owner of the printer/scanner/copier called me back in to her office. She offered the aforementioned printer/scanner/copier to me for my office. Delighted, I received it, and my friend carried it up the stairs for me.
In the midst of a trivial need, God provided in abundance. Unmerited favor. God's power enabling me to do what I could not do on my own. Grace. All done in foreknowledge by God even before I had the thought about needing a scanner and then wanting that one. Future. Future Grace.Could he provide in such proportional abundance to greater needs like the woundedness of my character? Could he bless beyond measure the relationships I participate in? Could he guard my heart with peace and joy in the midst of suffering? Can I respond with rejoicing when I am persecuted or wronged?
I prayed for help with my unbelief . . . I am beginning to believe.
John Piper has a great article in Christianity Today this month. How did you enjoy his book? He also has sermons on iTunes.
I sort of like Piper. His "Christian Hedonism" feels dangerous . . . but he is pretty balanced in presenting that truth and promises are the basis for our experience with God. He also is VERY strong about our affections being solely on God and is very careful to distinguish between meditation on God and anything else (including creation and Soap Operas).
I download his sermons from iTunes, but I have been mainly listening to his free downloads of seminars and classes he has taught from Desiring God.
I will check out the CT article.
interesting...I like listening to Ravi Zacharias lately. Trevor Hutton recommended a book to me today called "What's so Great About Christianity". It looks intriguing.
Has he been watching Hannity & Colmes? I saw the author of that book on their show yesterday! It seems like a great response to the trendy atheism books that have been around lately (have you read any of those?).
I have not read any atheism books. There is also an atheistic movie coming out called "The Golden Compass". I don't feel strong enough to take on those books. Have you read any?
I think Trevor mentioned hearing the author on TV (probably Fox News) and got the book.
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