Monday, August 6, 2007

wonderfully terrible

Have you not known? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. — Isaiah 4o:28 (ESV)

As I meditated on the love of God today (I listen to a devotional podcast called pray-as-you-go that is awesome) I heard this verse being read. We were asked to reflect upon the words that stood out . . . "unsearchable understanding" definitely caught my attention.

What makes God's understanding unsearchable?

First, and most simply that His understanding is quantifiably more than a finite being can grasp.

Second, could it be, that His understanding is so complete that it is terrifying in nature? Could it be that His understanding of just who I am is so in depth that the very truths that I am unwilling to see or believe about myself are "unsearchable" because I would faint at even the thought?

How wonderfully terrible if true . . . and I believe it is.

George McDonald wrote of God, "He is not safe, but He is good."


Chris said...

Is that final quote not also what was said of Aslan in the Chronicles of Narnia?

Ryan said...

Yep, that's why the lion picture. Lewis said that everything good he has ever written came from McDonald. I believe the quote from Narnia is asking whether Asaln is tame, and the response is, "He is not tame, but he is good."

Toph said...

I've wanted to read McDonald for a while, although some of his unorthodox beliefs are a bit disquieting. But certainly those words are true.