Friday, December 7, 2007

daemons anyone?

Lots of drama around the release of The Golden Compass. I read the book, it was pretty good. It definitely seemed like more of a pre-teen story. There are significant "anti-Christian" and "anti-authority" themes in the book that directly go against a biblical worldview. While for some older kids (13+) this will be a great movie to interact with them about, any younger kids probably won't benefit from the complicated message below a beautifully creative story (good thing its is rated PG-13). Definitely disturbing that everybody has daemons (pronounced demons) that follow them along and act sort of like a conscience (that nobody else hears or can touch).


Toph said...

I just find myself apathetic to the whole thing. I think movie boycotts serve the exact opposite purpose, and now lots of people will see the film because it's controversial. I'd like to read the books someday, but I don't have the time in the near future. And I can't justify spending $10 on a movie only to see if it's OK for Christians to watch. But, I'm glad you enjoyed the book and hope you're able to have good and godly discussions with those on either side of the debate.

Ryan said...

Boycott is definitely a strong word. But I am certainly comfortable waiting to see the movie until after the first weekend box office is tallied so my wallet speaks a little bit about what I think about the series. The stories are beautifully written, and it seems the movie will have some of the same fanciful artistry. I appreciated's review of the trilogy from back when the final book came out. I think its a pretty balanced review of the strengths, weaknesses, and "dangers" of the series.

Stephanie said...

My favorite comment was my wise husband who said "I think I remember another story where they tried to kill God and that didn't work out too well."